Saturday, January 9, 2010

Last day in China!

Saturday was a very relaxing day. With nothing planned until dinner at 6:30 we slept in for a bit, I missed breakfast which ended at 10:30. Hehe. I planned on getting Starbucks but didn’t end up going by one, surprisingly. We first walked to a really nice park right next to the hotel. It had lots of sculptures, a small maze, rose garden and ponds. It also had this awesome tank with water in it and a poem at the bottom. There were pieces of paper and you wrote your thoughts on it in pencil and placed it on top of the water. All the paper that wasn’t written on falls to the bottom, leaving your message at the top. It was so cool! There were even residents doing tai chi. I think that would be a beneficial routine to get in to. We tried to be cultural and visit the historical museum part of the park but the exhibit was apparently under construction.

We then took the subway (very clean and similar to Beijing’s, HK$5,000 fine for eating or drinking on the trains) up to the Lady’s Market. I don’t know why it is called that. We made some very successful bargains.

After lunch we took the train down to the piers to see the view of downtown over the harbor. We walked along the promenade called the star avenue or something like that. They had all the famous Chinese actors handprints in the cement like in Hollywood. I particularly liked the giant replica of Jackie Chan. They love themselves some Jackie Chan.

Our farewell dinner was held at the Peking Garden, and we got to try the famous peking duck. I didn’t really think it was all that great. Overall the meal was ok. It had some bright spots (breaded fish and soup), and low points (vegetable roll). The vegetable roll looked harmless, but had some sort of sauce that I’d rather not describe its taste. It was the first thing I gagged on this trip, and that’s saying something….it almost came back up. Gross.

Went to a similar area of the harbor as earlier today to view downtown at night. Very pretty.

Ended the night with, you guessed it, marketplace! Pushed my total of ties to *cough*thirteen*cough* They’re not all for me!!

Early morning to the airport. Last night in Chiner! It’s bittersweet, especially because school starts Monday. Ugh. I really like Hong Kong but am ready to go home. Final blog probably in the 3 hour layover I have in Newark tomorrow.

Random note, I’m glad I picked the worst two weeks to leave Buffalo. Sabres on a six game win streak!? Jeez!


Neato sculptures:

Rose Garden, in January!

At dinner, this guy made noodles with his handles from a pile of dough by spinning and twisting and separating it with his fingers. it was cool.

Downtown during the day

similar area at night

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